- - LPS 03116 - CFC Free
Product Category Lubricants Penetrants and Misc FluidsChemicals and Cleaners
Item #: LPS 03116
Manufacturer: LPS
CFC Free
Ideal for electrical/electronic and fine parts.
Cleans and degreases delicate precision mechanisms.
Penetrating action removes oil, grease, dirt, flux and other contaminants.
Does not contain chlorinated solvents.
Low odor.
Fast evaporation.
No residue.
Safe on plastics.
NSF registered category K2 registration # 059813 (aerosol), #059814 (bulk).
Inverta Spray Valve.
Item Specifications
8.25 in
11 in
8.5 in
16 oz
11 oz
12 lbs[
12 lbs
12.00 lbs per